App/Training Videos
Getting started with training videos and App installation

The default mode is in Learner Mode for initial usage. Please use the App to switch to Regular Mode for outdoor practice.
Click here to view 3/3 Surfwheel SU Training Videos
WARNING: Wear full protective gear when riding. Ensure your foot engages on the foot switch at all times when surfwheeling. Use Surfwheel in an open area and non-slippery/watery ground. Surfwheel is designed for 13+.

How to use the App?
Download the Surfwheel App from Apple Store or Google Play store. Ensure that the location/bluetooth is switched on when connecting the Surfwheel App (App -> Surfwheel -> Settings -> location/bluetooth On.) to the Surfwheel electric skateboard. Use the App as well to update to the latest firmware. NOTE: The initial shipment firmware needs to be updated to the latest version in order to remove the "device on hold" stage. When using iOS App upgrade, ensure that the screen remains active during the firmware upgrade process.
On the App, ensure the "Diagnositc Logs" mode is Off.
Surfwheel SU App Video - Click here
App iOS App Click here
Google Play App Click here
How to move and turn?

Surfwheeling - pivot and swing your hip to accelerate. The Surfwheel will tilt as you pivot and swing as if you are catching a wave.
Take wiggling moves to gain more titling angle for handling uphill and rough surface.

Surfwheel App
The Surfwheel App enables you to configure the spotlight, adjust between learner mode and regular mode, check battery status, and perform Surfwheel configuration. More features will be updated. Stay tuned with us.
Use the App to update to the latest firmware. NOTE: The initial shipment firmware needs to be updated to the latest version in order to remove the "device on hold" stage. When using iOS App upgrade, ensure that the screen remains active during the firmware upgrade process.
Performance Settings
The default setting is for the Surfwheel learner. Adjustment to higher power and acceleration settings will keep the nose at higher position during ride and 2x more power compared to the default mode. Higher responsiveness adjustment will enable more braking power. Adjust according to your weight and riding style. As your skills advance, you will adjust to different settings that best fit your ride.